Warm Up
Attempt to walk for 5 minutes prior to stretching. Try
to park in the far corner of the parking lot, ete, If you do not have the time to do all of the recomended stretchs,
you should always do something befor you start your round.
II. Lower Extremity Quad Stretch
Flex the knee, place foot on a bench or the back of a golf cart, and slowly
stretch the quads. Hold 15 seconds, do 5 times each leg.
Hamstring Stretch
Place the heel on the fender of a cart or a bench and slowly stretch the
hamstrings, keeping your back straight.
Hold 15 seconds, do 5 times each leg.
Low Back Stretch
Place foot on the back of a golf cart or on a bench and lean forward gently
to slowly stretch the lower back.
Hold 15 seconds, do 5 times each leg.
Lateral Hip Stretch
Cross left leg in front of right, lean to the left. Then rotate hips to
the right to slowly stretch the right hip. Repeat, reversing leg positions. Hold 15 seconds, do 5 times each leg.
III. Upper Extremity Pectoral Stretch
Place the golf
club behind the shoulders, holding it at either end. Turn slowly to the right, then to the left, to the end of the follow-through.
Repeat 10 times.
Lateral Shoulder Stretch
Grasp the right arm just above the elbow and gently pull the arm across
the body to stretch the shoulder muscles.
Hold 15 seconds, do 5 times each arm.
IV. Armless Swing
Assume address position.
arms across chest.
Perform back swing to follow through without using arms or a club. Repeat
10 times.
V. Progressive Speed Swing
Grip the club in a normal manner and take 5 swings,starting at 1/4 speed. Emphasize initiation of the back swing
and down swing with the hips.
VI. Tips for a Healthier Golf Swing
The following are the fundamentals for a more rotational,
one-piece take-away golf swing. This swing concept is designed to use the large muscles of the legs, hips and trunk to produce
powerful golf shots while protecting the lower back.
The Grip
The proper grip will establish a "level shoulder" set
up and provide for maximum club head speed. It will establish the hands centered in front of you with the shaft of the club
extending directly out from your hands position. The palms oppose one another with the left hand holding the club diagonally
across the palm with the fingers, with the right hand holding the club more in the fingers.
The Stance
The position of the body at the "address position"
or "stance" is described as being in balance and ready to move in balance. The back is straight while forward bending
is in flexion of the hip with a forward upper body lean of approximately 20 degrees. The pelvis is placed in a posterior pelvic
tilt to tighten the abdominal muscles and stabilize the spine. The knees are bent and the seat is over the heels. The arms
hang down nearly vertically. The weight is evenly distributed between the heels and balls of the feet with your knees out over your
shoe laces.
The Back Swing
The back swing is a combined motion of rotating the
torso, centering the focus on rotating the stomach (hips, stomach and chest) to the right, carrying the arms and shoulders
to a position whereby the shaft of the club is pointed parallel to the target line. From this position, the club is swung
upwardly on a circular motion, creating a 90 degree angle between the left arm and club shaft. From this position
the shoulders continue to rotate, until the club reaches the top of the swing.
The Down Swing
The down swing motion begins with a slight shifting
of the weight to the left,This initial motion drops the right elbow in front of your right hip delivering the club into the
hitting position. From this point the entire body (hips, torso, shoulders) rotates left. The club head is then delivered to
exstended position pointing down the target line sending the golf ball to the target.
The Follow Through
The finish position should find the majority of weight on
the left foot. The hips have rotated to the left with the front of your chest facing the target, the right shoulder closer
to the target than the left. Done correctly this should put you in a good balanced finish position.
VII. General Fitness Information
Stretching - Perform stretching exercises daily as
well as before and after golfing.
Strengthening - Perform strengthening exercises for
your trunk, hips and leg 2 to 3 times per week (Le., walking, cycling, weight lifting).
Pain - For acute injuries, apply ice to the area for
15 minutes every 2 hours. If the pain does not subside in 2 to 3 days, see a physician.
This information is provided by:
The Sports Medicine Center of
Miami Valley Hospital,
Dayton, OH